There are tons of things happening in the world of solar energy. While we’re still keeping a close eye on everything going on at the Statehouse (thank you to everyone who has filled out the survey we passed along last month), we have some exciting news to share on the national front.
It comes from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Solar Energy Technologies Office. This past week they announced the Small Innovative Projects in Solar 2022: Concentrating Solar-Thermal Power and Photovoltaics funding program.
The program includes a reward of up to $5 million for projects that seek to fund innovative research and development projects. The announcement seeks to accelerate the large-scale development of solar technology that will support the government-wide approach to combating and addressing the climate change crisis.
What a great way to get more people involved in helping the environment and switching to solar! The SETO expects to pick 15 to 23 award-winners, each ranging between $250,000 and $400,000. All sorts of teams are encouraged to apply such as universities, federally-funded research and development centers, nonprofit companies, and even local governments.
Not only is the SETO encouraging a vast range of teams to apply but the office is interested in proposals that advance tech development through strategies supported by diversity. The administration’s current goals include large-scale development of solar technology, but also diversifying those working in applied energy research fields.
Our team at Green Alternatives is looking forward to the innovative ideas and projects that will come from this announcement and all the proposals it sparks. When those of us in this industry put our minds to something, it always results in something special. Remember that you can help accelerate the development of solar tech by simply converting to solar-powered panels or adding even more to your home. If you’re looking for more information on solar energy, reach out to the trained technicians at Green Alternatives today! Fill out this form to contact us or reach us directly at 765.480.2423.