With all this winter weather we’ve been having, it has once again driven home the importance of investing in renewable energy. At Green Alternatives, our thoughts have been with Texans who grappled with massive, lengthy power outages two weeks ago as cold and snow gripped the region. This tragic situation stemmed from a long list of terrible decisions and mismanagement and an over-reliance on fossil fuel plants (a thorough article can be found here.)
At Green Alternatives, we send our deepest sympathy to those Texans who have lost savings, property, and in some cases, their loved ones.
It can be difficult to take unpopular or expensive measures for the public good. It is likely that this disaster is finally enough to force regulatory changes in Texas. But while the eyes of the country will be glued to those issues, there are significant changes to energy policy happening right here in Indiana without much fanfare. Here are some topics we are watching, and we encourage you to do so as well:
Rep. Soliday says it best in this Indiana Public Radio report: “Our 22 largest manufacturers — they all want renewable energy and they’re going to get it. They’re going to get it either through buying it from other folks and paying the transmission costs, or we’re going to generate some of it.” Will Indiana be just as responsive with policy that addresses residential desire to purchase renewable energy?
As always, Green Alternatives is keeping our pulse on the latest news and trends shaping renewable energy for our customers and industry partners! Make sure to visit our blog regularly, and if you’re interested in investing in solar or expanding your current investment, call our trained team today at 765-480-2423.